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The Intelligent Investor's Framework

At OMAHA, we offer a large-scale normalized data framework

to compare and value companies in a reliable and consistent way

Accounting is not optimized for investors.

Published financial information lacks consistency across time, regions, industries, and company size, due to diverging accounting concepts, conventions, tax laws, and flexibility in reporting policies. This makes comparing stocks difficult.  

Transforming accounting data into economic information is essential.

A systematic, objective, and scalable framework requires strong financial analysis experience, technical expertise, and the technology know-how needed to deliver a consistently superior solution and properly evaluate company fundamentals.

We correct, adjust and standardize thousands of company accounts worldwide.

Our 25+ year methodology relies upon a proven decision matrix that helps standardize information across differing accounting standards, inflationary episodes, country currency issues, exposes corporate shenanigans, and takes into account the evolution of important ideas like ESG, operating intangibles, asset age, and inventory cost policies.​

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